Lone Oak Elementary Home

Roaring with Success and Pride


Recent News

S.C. Ready Testing Dates

SC Test
Students in grades 3-5 will take the state S.C. Ready tests in May. See schedule for more information.

WIDA Testing Coming Soon

WIDA ACCESS testing is soon! ACCESS for ELLs is an English language proficiency test that measures students’ academic English language skills. This test is given to all active ML students during the annual testing window, which begins January 21st. Look for details coming soon!

4K Registration Now Open

4K Flyer
Is your child turning 4 on or before September 1st? Interested in our 4K program? Click here for more information!

Vaccine Clinic

District Six has partnered with DHEC and MyPharmacy Company to provide a Back-to-School onsite vaccine clinic. These clinics will be held on Thursday, August 10 from 9am-3pm. Two locations will be available..Dorman High School bus loading loop and Fairforest Middle School bus loading loop. Immunizations will be provided at no charge for any parent who wishes to bring their child. You may register by clicking this link:   https://forms.gle/G9XvFNc2RZFzrywSA
District Six has partnered with DHEC and MyPharmacy Company to provide a Back-to-School onsite vaccine clinic. These clinics will be held on Thursday, August 10 from 9am-3pm. Click for more information.

Mission Statement

Our mission at Lone Oak Elementary School is to provide a safe, orderly, and healthy learning environment, attain high levels of academic achievement for all students, provide opportunities for parents to participate in the education of their children, and partner with the community to create support and advocacy for our school.